This week was enjoyable despite the fact that it was extremely chaotic due to the increase in the amount of work I had to complete, as well as my medical appointments here and there. However, it was exciting to be able to do new activities and continue to build relationships with students from various blocks while still learning. 

   In addition, towards the end of this week, I gave a presentation in Will Wamaru's African Studies class as well as the other classes. I learned some attributes about what constitutes a good presentation in terms of clothing, body language, and speaking abilities.  Making a presentation, especially in a professional setting, helped me analyze what I needed to work on and what I needed to do more of. 

   In conclusion, I continue to work on a unit to present at the human rights and Enigma of Russia class. I am really looking forward to the rest of my time at proctor and spending it with friends, teammates, and staff. Most importantly, making the best out of my last few days.


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